a large grassy field with trees and a blue sky

The Project

EDF Renewables Australia
Edderton Solar Farm

Malabar Resources Ltd and EDF Renewables Australia have established a joint venture to develop the Edderton Solar Farm in the Hunter Valley region. The partnership brings local and global expertise to large-scale solar energy development in the Upper Hunter region.

The project is a significant milestone in the development of the Hunter-Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone established by the NSW Government in late 2020. It will bring diversified investment to the local economy and help to deliver more reliable, cheaper and cleaner energy.

The Edderton Solar Project and BESS Scoping Report has now been uploaded by the Department on the NSW Major Projects Portal, and is available at this link

The plan is to build a large-scale solar farm over three distinct power ‘islands’ on land owned by Malabar Resources.

The Edderton Solar Farm will generate clean energy, using the existing transmission infrastructure in the region, helping to support NSW’s transition to net zero emissions.

The Solar Farm would produce approximately 800,000 MWh of electricity each year, which is enough to power at least 130,000 homes. The number of homes that could be powered by the Solar Farm is equivalent to the number of homes in the Muswellbrook, Singleton, Upper Hunter and Newcastle local government areas.

A Battery Energy Storage System or BESS will also be deployed at the Edderton Solar Farm site. The size and configuration of the BESS will be determined during the development process to best compliment electricity production from the Solar Farm.

Development Application

Several NSW approvals are required before the project can commence. These ensure the project has measures to minimise the impact on the environment and nearby community, and further, that construction and ongoing operation of the Solar Farm and BESS is done safely.

NSW is one of the most heavily regulated states in Australia to develop renewables. The project will need to gain consent from the NSW Government under its State Significant Development provisions. Mandatory conditions of consent include:

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    All important project documentation to be publicly available

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    Approved and audited comprehensive management plans, including plans covering health, safety and environment, traffic control, road rehabilitation and bushfire risk

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    Compulsory weed and pest control procedures

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    Detailed soil erosion and sediment control plans

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    Limitations on water use

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    Perimeter setbacks—which may include vegetation screening as required

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    Restricted working hours and construction noise limits—as a function of background levels

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    Glint and glare assessments

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    Waste management and decommissioning/rehabilitation requirements

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    Ongoing community consultation

Similar to the Solar Farm, the BESS will be subject to mandatory conditions of consent, including limiting noise from cooling and ventilation.

EDF Renewables Australia will submit an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for public consultation to the NSW Government to support its review and assessment of the Edderton Solar Project.

We will engage with the local community during the preparation of the EIS to ensure the EIS and our future plans incorporate community feedback and address any concerns.

The studies that support the EIS are prepared by recognised experts and include assessments of potential impacts on amenity, biodiversity, heritage and the road network. Subject to the outcome of environmental studies, the Project may be referred for consideration under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Project Timeline

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Final Investment Decision
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